Goodbye to
EMpedics helps you care for musculoskeletal patients faster and ensures you're rightly compensated.
Always Know The Next Step
Do more procedures independently and faster.
"The animations are the missing link in procedural education. This is 100% a game changer."

Guided 3D Animations
Go beyond the traditional view and see the bones move in 3D space and understand the "why" of each step with tips and tricks of trade.
Expert Procedure Walkthroughs
Learn clinical pearls and pitfalls for dozens of procedures through guided procedure videos by orthopeadic experts.
By The Numbers
faster completion
of MSK procedures
faster notes and
encounter documentation
increase in confidence
to perform MSK procedures
Templated Notes
20x your notes in quality and speed.
“I am absolutely floored by the level of attention to detail the team at EMpedics has put into this platform and still surprised at how we practiced without it.”

Templated Procedure Notes
Designed to be copy-pasted and lightly edited, these notes save you time and maximize revenue.
Validated Assessment & Plans
No more wasted time digging through guidelines or consulting specialists, easily access evidence-based A&Ps to improve the quality of care patients receive.
No More Guessing
All the knowledge you need for 100s of patient complaints.
"Brilliant guide for complicated topics. Very high-yield."

Complaint Specific H&P
From the first question to ask to the last physical exam maneuver, the H&P is outlined in a bullet point format for quick point-of-care review.
Image Interpretation Guides
Hundreds of annotated radiographs to assist with rapid interpretation and to expedite delivery of care.
Spend More Of Your Time With Patients
- Computer and Phone Apps
- Expert Peer-Reviewed and Evidence-Based
- New Content Weekly
Know Your Codes
- Procedure Specific CPT Codes
- RVU Transparency
- Complaint Specific ICD Codes
- Searchable CPT Database
Custom Illustrations
Hundreds of labeled illustrations
- Quickly Review Anatomy, Imaging, Classification Systems
- Patient Education: A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words
No Second Trips
Materials For Common Procedures:
- Aspirations and Blocks
- Splints
- Hand Procedures

"This platform is the most pragmatic and straightforward I've encountered. I've used it for 5 straight shifts and don't plan on stopping."

Do more with an end-to-end solution
Faster Documentation
Note templates that increase your post-encounter documentation speed by 20x.
Shorter Wait Times
See patients without specialist consults and document faster, improving ER throughput dramatically.
Provider Education
Whether you're a student or mid-career, EMpedics' up-to-date clinical pearls and pitfalls can teach you something new.
Patient Education
Hundreds of illustrations and animations to explain complex medical concepts to patients and their loved ones.
Improved Billing Capture
Expert validated notes with CPT codes embedded and RVU transparency to maximize billing capture.
Increased Procedure Volume
Increased autonomy for MSK procedures increases procedures done by ER staff every day.